Our team

East direction

Sokolov Sergey
Sale of grain and oilseeds on the market of the Russian Federation, East and Central Asia
+7 913 944-31-15 ssl@aonhp.ru
Kostenko Vladimir
Head of the East trade direction
+7 913 707-03-93 kvd@aonhp.ru
Rodkin Ilya
Contract manager for East and Central Asia regions
+7 923 525-48-83 rim@aonhp.ru
Yazykova Natalia
Head of international cooperation programs for China and Africa
+7 913 739-69-69 yna@aonhp.ru
Kamnev Dmitry
Manager for transaction support of East direction
+7 913 375-44-73 kdv@aonhp.ru

South direction

Arbatskiy Vladimir
Purchase of grains and oilseeds on the domestic market
+7 903 935-37-37 avv@aonhp.ru
Dunaev Nikolay
Sale of grains, oilseeds and forage on the Middle East, Turkey and Africa markets
+7 903 112-61-61 dunaevn@icloud.com
Stebenkov Mikhail
Head of the South direction
+7 991 754-13-50 sma@aonhp.ru
Achudekov Artem
Contract manager for Volga region
+7 913 384-83-31 aas@aonhp.ru

Supply Chain Management

Gulyaeva Anna
Head of Supply Chain Management
+7 913 486-52-59 gas@aonhp.ru
Chernyakova Anna
Deputy Head of Supply Chain Management
+7 (383) 223-17-01 ext. 206 logistika@aonhp.ru
Barsukova Olesya
Manager of Transport Logistics Department
+7 (383) 223-17-01 ext. 206 boa@aonhp.ru

Domestic market

Lapay Igor
Purchase of grains and oilseeds on the domestic market
+7 961 877-64-94 liv@aonhp.ru
Kuzmenko Sergey
Contract manager for the domestic market and protein raw materials
+7 903 999-51-15 ssk@aonhp.ru
Bozhnev Aleksandr
Contract manager for the domestic market and protein raw materials
+7 983 300-44-46 bar@aonhp.ru